Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Teacher Appreciation

Happy teacher appreciation week! I have been very fortunate to work with such a great innovative staff of teachers at DACC south campus- here is a little shout out and introduction to our great team.

Brian Hale- Social Studies teacher at DACC north and south campuses. Brian teaches Psychology, Sociology, Economics/ Personal Finance, and Government at South Campus. His courses are primarily online through google classrooms. Many of the topics from the courses create great small group educational discussions throughout the learning environment. Brian is a go to person for google information and has helped several academic and lab teachers with all things GAFE! @MrBHale

Briana Kelley- Intervention Specialist at DACC south campus. Briana meets regularly with students on IEP’s, 504s, and other students who need assistance with course work. She is an excellent data collector and tracks student progress using Google Sheets. Time management can be a huge transition for students moving from a traditional classroom to the online and flexible time in the academic area at south campus. She is ready to help any student with assistance in work completion and time management skills. @MrsBKelley1

Emily Hardy- Science teacher at DACC South campus and Zoo satellite class.  Emily teaches Chemistry, Physics, Forensics and Zoo Science. This is her second year teaching. Recently, she has created a great unit in Google Classroom for her Chemistry class including hyperdocs, interactive slide presentations, and several ways to assess student learning even though the material is online. @HardyeDACC

Greg Carpenter- Math teacher at DACC South campus and Zoo satellite class.  Greg teaches Algebra 2, Transitional Math, Pre Calc, and college level Statistics for Zoo and Bio Science programs. This year he has transitioned most of his curriculum from Blackboard to Google Classroom. Greg is definitely a content specialist! I have watched him take any math topic on the fly and create direct instruction lessons for students, all while tiering the information in complexity. The school values Greg as a leader, especially with the new South campus concept. @CarpenterofMath

Heather Pitzer- English teacher at DACC North and South campuses. Heather teaches English 11 and English 12. Her classes are run through Google classroom and she is a queen at differentiation. Students learn a variety of writing styles in her course where proper formatting and grammar is thoroughly edited. This year she has put on an art show, facilitated researched debates, read through multiple short stories, and even started a book club! @Heather_Pitzer

Ryan Mitchell- Math teacher at DACC North and South campuses. At South campus Ryan teaches Algebra 2 and Geometry to juniors. Even though Ryan is a young teacher, he is a valued member of the school and is a leader in the google initiative. The students value his one on one and small group lessons to break down complex math problems. He has an extreme amount of patience with the students and will give as much time or examples needed for students to master the content. @MathMitchellR

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